Thursday, March 14, 2013

Little Popcorn Scientists!!

So, today the little people were popcorn scientists! It was a quite "yummy" experiment.
Our popcorn experiment results!

The first step of our experiment was to "smell" our popcorn.  The little people came up with all kinds of adjectives to describe their popcorn by smell.  Some of their choices were:  good and buttery.  They all agreed that when it pops it sounds "poppy".
Next, the little people checked out how the popcorn felt.  They thought the it felt bumpy, squishy and soft.  When looking at their popcorn the decided it looked white, yellow, bumpy, light and like little clouds.
Tasting was our favorite part of the experiment!!  It was yummy, delicious, crunchy, salty and some even thought it tasted sweet!  What a fun way to experiment using our 5 senses!


  1. How fun, Kyp!!!! Popcorn is so darn happy! Love how you used it!!!

  2. Very cute but now I want popcorn. :)

  3. Thanks Lisa! Of course I found the idea on Pinterest! I have to stay off there this weekend! Got to get ready for our Community Helpers Unit and have no idea what I'm going to do yet! Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. THis is a great activity! I usually bring in my mom's popcorm machine the old school one that gets hot and pops the corn! I may have to add something fun to the activity with this. Thanks for sharing.
    :o) V.
    Special Teacher for Special Kids
