Tuesday, June 12, 2012

YEAH!! I just got started with my first blog book study hosted by Live, Love, Laugh Everyday in Kindergarten. This past spring I read "The Daily 5" and decided I'd like to try it with my kindergarteners in the fall.  I was thrilled to find out that Tammy was going to be doing a book study on it this summer.  I am also super excited because this book study is just for KINDERGARTEN!! If you're a kindergarten teacher wanting to learn more about "The Daily 5"' or have already used "The Daily 5" in your classroom come join us!! 

Also, If you're a first, second or third grade teacher wanting to study "The Daily 5" there is a book study just for you over at Mel D.'s  Seusstastic Classroom Inspirations.


  1. Stumbled across your adorable blog and of course I would see Daily 5! I have heard so much about it, yet still know so little! That is on my to do this summer...seems everyone that is already doing it love it!

    I'm follower #21

  2. Welcome Kelly! Glad to have you as a follower! Why don't you join our book club? We just started Chapter 2 today. :0)
