I'm sure you're all wondering, what in the world is she sharing with us this time??
Well, finally we've started getting ready for our home construction!! Can I hear a "Oh, ya"!!? We have owned our property for about 10 years now and thought we'd be building on it 3 years in, but several obstacles got in our way (my husband's broken leg, a knee replacement, my back surgery and my momma being diagnosed with cancer among other things). A little over 2 years ago we moved out to what we commonly refer to as "The Triangle". Strange things seems to happen out here and the property is shaped kinda like a triangle (according to hubby), more like a trapezoid if ya all ask me, lol.
Currently, we are living in a 720 square foot apartment above our garage. Now, it is an adorable little apartment and I do have laundry facilities out here now! So, I've been pretty happy about the whole thing other than we have no closets really. That's been a bit tricky and we've had to be a little creative!
On Monday our excavator began knocking down trees in the area where the house is going to be built. I was so excited and so nervous to see all of those trees being pushed into a huge, I'm telling ya, a huge pile!! One of my little grandsons loves any kind of motor vehicle or equipment that moves. So, mamaw gave him a call and he came out to watch. He had a ball!!! Not only did he get to see Chuck excavating, but was invited to get up on the equipment! This was huge for Wyatt!!
Our little deer have been loving it as well! All summer I thought we had 2 babies, but apparently there were 3 little all along. Somewhere one has been hiding! They have been playing in the opened up area this week and I can't tell you how fun it is to watch them run and chase!!
Hopefully, all of the digging and moving of dirt will be completed early next week and then the basement wall can be put into place. Yeah!! School starts in just about 2 weeks and my husband's class will be building the main part of the house. And, I will get to help!! Whoo! Hoo!
Enjoy the pictures below and I will try to keep you up to speed on the progress and how we're doing!